Film Threat by Anthony Ray Bench
This is a feel-good movie that tackles a bunch of tough topics, from politics, race, family traditions, social frustrations, and romance. It never feels preachy or overly cheesy.
Film Threat by Anthony Ray Bench
This is a feel-good movie that tackles a bunch of tough topics, from politics, race, family traditions, social frustrations, and romance. It never feels preachy or overly cheesy.
There’s something so constructed and suffocating about watching a tried and tested formula not working, the over-sentimental string-pulling on show for all to see.
If you have even the slightest emotional connection to Springsteen’s music — if you’ve ever found salvation in a rock song, or desperately wished that you could change your clothes, your hair, your face — this giddy steamroller of a movie is going to flatten you whether you like it or not.
The Hollywood Reporter by John DeFore
Light is just as faithful to formula as Bend It Like Beckham and just as reliant on its lead's likability; here, newcomer Viveik Kalra radiates enough guileless enthusiasm to carry viewers past the film's rough patches.
This is one of the most joyous and exhilarating movies you will see this year and because there is so much passion flowing out from the music, screenplay, and acting, you totally forgive the film when it strays into the predictable and even a little bit of corniness.
It’s the sort of unguarded drama they used to make in the ‘80s — a coming-of-age tale of unabashed earnestness — but it’s also a delirious and romantic rock ‘n’ roll parable.
Screen International by Tim Grierson
While this flimsy coming-of-age drama over-relies on the Boss’s greatest hits for its emotional high points, this remains a likeable and touching story about finding your own voice.