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The Ape Woman(La donna scimmia)

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Italy, France · 1964
1h 32m
Director Marco Ferreri
Starring Ugo Tognazzi, Annie Girardot, Achille Majeroni, Filippo Pompa Marcelli
Genre Drama, Comedy

The "Ape Woman" is Annie Girardot, completely covered with hair; the entrepreneur Tognazzi discovers her in a convent in Naples; he marries her (a condition imposed by the nuns) and begins exhibiting her to the public. He tries to sell her to a funny guy who insist on her virginity, but she is a little reluctant. After tasting success in Paris, she dies during childbirth. Tognazzi recovers her mummy from the museum of natural history and exhibits it in Naples. The subject looks a little camp, but the film is considered one of the most touching of Ferreri's.

We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.

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