Your Company

The Peppercorns and the Secret of the Deep Sea(Die Pfefferkörner und der Schatz der Tiefsee)

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Germany · 2021
1h 34m
Director Christian Theede
Starring Caspar Fischer Ortman, Leander Pütz, Emilia Flint, Charlotte Martz
Genre Adventure, Family

As soon as Jaswinder, the mother of Alice's friend Tarun, discovered a way to avoid plastic, it is attacked and the documents about it, which are also top secret, stolen. Shortly thereafter, it also disappears without a trace. Alice, as the remaining peppercorn, searches for clues and comes across toxic waste companies who want to prevent the documents from being published at all costs. Will you take Alice to Jaswinder ...?

We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.

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