Your Company


Russia · 2018
Director Alexandr V. Verner
Starring Yuriy Kuznetsov, Viktor Chuprov, Antonina Vvedenskaya, Olga Dragunova
Genre Drama

Partos Alekseevich Paramonov (Paramosha) worked in the circus as a clown. His wife died and he began to drink too much. Paramoshi left a porcelain figurine on a golden pedestal from a past life. Once there was a phone call and a woman's voice, invited the old man to speak at the bottom of the city. Paramosha went to a stop and waited a long time for the coveted black Mercedes from the city hall, but the call was just an insidious ploy of friends who wanted to lure Paramosha out of the apartment and take possession of the figurine.

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