Your Company

Letter Never Sent(Неотправленное письмо)

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Soviet Union · 1960
1h 37m
Director Mikhail Kalatozov
Starring Innokentiy Smoktunovskiy, Tatyana Samoylova, Vasiliy Livanov, Evgeniy Urbanskiy
Genre Adventure, Drama

Four geologists are searching for diamonds in the wilderness of Siberia. After a long and tiresome journey, they find a diamond mine and put it on the map. The map must be delivered back to Moscow, but a terrible forest fire wreaks havoc on their departure, and the geologists get trapped in the woods.

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What are people saying?

Nina Gallagher Profile picture for Nina Gallagher

Mikhail Kalatazov's brilliant film follows four geologists who become stranded in Siberia after a fire rips through the forest they occupy. Kalatazov's innovative and magnetic camerawork shines through in this thrilling and heartbreaking narrative about human survival and strife.