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Persian Lessons

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Russia, Germany, Belarus · 2020
2h 7m
Director Vadim Perelman
Starring Nahuel Pérez Biscayart, Lars Eidinger, Jonas Nay, Leonie Benesch
Genre War, Drama

The story of how, in 1942, Gilles Crémier, a Belgian of Jewish origin, being in a concentration camp, pretends to be a Persian - for him this is the only way to stay alive. This lie really saves his life, but Gilles cannot even imagine at what price. German soldiers, satisfied with such a rare catch, lead Gilles to Klaus Koch, a cook in a concentration camp, who dreams, as soon as the war is over, to leave for Iran and open a restaurant there. Koch is looking for a real Persian who will teach him to speak Persian. So begins the story of Gilles Cremieu and Klaus Koch - a Jew and a German, a prisoner and jailer, a student and a teacher.

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