Your Company

Nearest to Heaven(Au plus près du paradis)

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France, Spain, Canada (Quebec) · 2002
1h 30m
Director Tonie Marshall
Starring Catherine Deneuve, William Hurt, Bernard Le Coq, Hélène Fillières
Genre Drama, Romance

People and life can be cruel, and in their face, Fannette is cool: toward an old acquaintance, to her daughter, to colleagues. Beneath the surface, she roils with passion for a lost love, Philippe. She watches "An Affair to Remember" again and again, and when she receives a letter from Philippe asking her to meet him atop the Empire State Building, she swoons. She's writing a book on an aged painter, so she organizes a trip to New York ostensibly to secure photographs of some of his pieces. The publisher assigns her a photographer, Matt, on the surface spontaneous and flip, but also aggressive about his attraction to her. Will she be with the one she loves? Will she smile? Written by

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