Your Company

The Abyss(Afgrunden)

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Denmark · 1910
Director Urban Gad
Starring Asta Nielsen, Poul Reumert, Robert Dinesen, Hans Neergaard
Genre Drama

Magda meets her fiancé and he invites her to visit him and his parents. While visiting them, a circus comes to town and Magda asks her fiancé to take her to the show. Afterwards one of the artists shows interest in Magda and her fiancé becomes jealous and brings her home. The artist follows and enters her room through the window. She runs off with the artist leaving a goodbye note. The fiancé later locates Magda, but she rejects him. We see Magda perform a gaucho dance on stage around the artist who she has tied up with a lasso but afterward the artist shows interest in another woman. Magda becomes jealous and starts a fight which gets her and the artist fired. She finds work as a piano player by which time her former fiancé sees her again. He sends her a note asking her to meet him. The artist follows Magda, interrupts their meeting and throws the fiancé out of the room...

We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.

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