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The House with Laughing Windows(La casa dalle finestre che ridono)

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Italy · 1976
1h 50m
Director Pupi Avati
Starring Lino Capolicchio, Francesca Marciano, Gianni Cavina, Giulio Pizzirani
Genre Mystery, Thriller, Horror

Stefano, a young restorer is commissioned to save a fresco representing the suffering of St. Sebastiano. The fresco painter was Legnani, and the fresco is his last work. Legnani apparently was mentally disturbed. He was used to paint people close to die or in agony. These facts together with the strange atmosphere that surround this village near Ferrara, in the north of Italy, contribute to put Stefano in a nightmare reality. Soon reality will change into horror.

We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.

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