Your Company

Cash Collector's Bag(Сумка инкассатора)

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Soviet Union · 1977
1h 33m
Director Augustas Baltrušaitis
Starring Donatas Banionis, Georgi Burkov, Elena Naumkina, Vytautas Tomkus
Genre Mystery

Two cash collectors are found burned with their car but the bag is missing. Two detectives - Aleksandr Sanin and Aleksey Tulyakov are investigating the crime.

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What are people saying?

Olaf von Mecklenburg Profile picture for Olaf von Mecklenburg

A very cool criminal film about work of Soviet public prosecutors with the best actors of that time ( Burkov, Banionis, Fateyeva etc.), hahaha all of them alcoholic and negative villains , killers and maniacs are wearing police uniform in this movie! xD

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