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Like the Dyer's Hand(掬水月在手)

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China · 2020

Director Tsun-shing Chen
Starring Ye Jiaying
Genre Documentary

The legendary life of Ye Jiaying (1924-), a master of Chinese classical poetry. She went through war, political persecution, and wandering overseas all her life. She returned to China after the reform and opening up in her later years, and continued to create and inherit teaching, which was the lifeblood of classical poetry interrupted by the Cultural Revolution. The film interweaves Ye Jiaying's personal life with Chinese classical poetry for thousands of years, showing the significance track of her seeking existence in the long river of poetry. "Du Fu's Eight Episodes of Qiuxing" is the most important research masterpiece in Ye Jiaying. The eight poems of Qiuxing depict the rise and fall of China's prosperous Tang Dynasty. This film uses this as a metaphor for the turbulent years experienced by Mr. Ye, and invites musician Sato Congming to create film music based on the eight poems of Qiuxing, combining elegant music and modern music, bringing new life to Du Fu's poetry.

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