Your Company

The Marsh(Le marais)

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Canada (Quebec) · 2002
1h 25m
Director Kim Nguyen
Starring Gregory Hlady, Paul Ahmarani, Gabriel Gascon, Jennifer Morehouse
Genre Drama, Fantasy, Thriller

Two social outcasts in 19th century Eastern Europe, Alexandre and Ulysse, become friends and settle down to live alone on the edge of a marsh that is reputedly haunted by demons, monsters and goblins. These two men have been outcasts all their lives. Alexandre was raised in a nomad family that traveled from town to town, being rejected by the people of his homeland. Due to his physical abnormalities, Ulysse has always been pushed aside ever since his childhood. When a strange murder is committed in a nearby village, the peasants turn their suspicions on Alexandre and Ulysse, because they are different. In the eyes of the villagers, they are demons that must be hunted, burned and killed.

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