The Hollywood Reporter by Deborah Young
It’s pretty much a one-woman show for actress Erica Rivas, who brings a sense of fun to a fast-paced comedy about schizophrenia, if that’s what it is.
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Argentina · 2021
1h 35m
Director Natalia Meta
Starring Érica Rivas, Nahuel Pérez Biscayart, Daniel Hendler, Cecilia Roth
Genre Thriller
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Inés, an Argentinian dubbing actress and choir singer, develops a sleep disorder after a traumatic experience on vacation. She becomes increasingly paranoid as she struggles to differentiate her nightmares from reality. Eventually, Inés begins to entertain a dangerous idea: the characters in her dreams are trying to take over her body.
The Hollywood Reporter by Deborah Young
It’s pretty much a one-woman show for actress Erica Rivas, who brings a sense of fun to a fast-paced comedy about schizophrenia, if that’s what it is.
While the rules of her conundrum never quite coalesce and some of the twists feel shoehorned, The Intruder generates so much intrigue to maintain a breathless pace and unsettling atmosphere at every turn, with Rives’ layered performance fusing the strange trip together.
Perhaps the key issue, aside from the inherent silliness of the unsubstantiated mystical psychobabble that is fielded as an explanation for Inés’ “condition” is that Inés herself is not a particularly well-developed character.
The second film from Natalia Meta is a slippery thing to pin down. Like the ragged mental state of its main character, it unravels as it goes on. But it is also never less than stridently entertaining, in part thanks to a brittle central performance from Erica Rivas.
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A failed stand-up comedian is driven insane, turning to a life of crime in chaos in Gotham City.
A poor family lies and schemes their way into the employ of a wealthy household — successfully, but with great consequences.
An action-packed account of the legendary lives of Ned Kelly and his gang in the 1870s.
A near-fatal car crash leaves a girl with physical and emotional trauma that shapes her future — and her fetishes.
A team of lawyers sets out to prosecute Argentina's brutal military dictatorship in this legal thriller inspired by real events.
A coming of age story told through three separate vignettes.