The Hollywood Reporter by Boyd van Hoeij
The narrative’s second layer, which is buried underneath the first, suggests why the characters do what they do, even if they don’t necessarily address it explicitly.
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China · 2021
2h 24m
Director Ann Hui
Starring Ma Sichun, Feihong Yu, Eddie Peng, Janine Chang
Genre Drama
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Weilong, a young woman from Shanghai, moves to Hong Kong to live with her cold and morally questionable Aunt Liang. In pursuit of an education, she instead finds herself working for her aunt, seducing wealthy older men for money. Now enmeshed in high society, she falls in love with a rich but emotionally unavailable playboy.
We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.
The Hollywood Reporter by Boyd van Hoeij
The narrative’s second layer, which is buried underneath the first, suggests why the characters do what they do, even if they don’t necessarily address it explicitly.
The New York Times by Claire Shaffer
What could make for a captivating story involving a transgressive love triangle is, even on a micro level, ineffective.
Love After Love goes through the motions of classic, rousing melodrama but not the emotions.
Although rarely as compelling as the estimable director’s finest achievements, it certainly merits attention as a sumptuously detailed evocation of a rarefied world defined as much by a unique set of rules as its abundant material comforts.
A ten-year-old girl must save her parents from hostile spirits.
Someone has taken their love of scary movies one step too far.
One of the greatest heroes in American history never fired a bullet.
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A ten-year-old girl must save her parents from hostile spirits.
Someone has taken their love of scary movies one step too far.
One of the greatest heroes in American history never fired a bullet.