Your Company

Pink Bomb(人生得意衰盡歡)

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Hong Kong · 1993
1h 35m
Director Derek Chiu
Starring Cynthia Yang Li Ching, Waise Lee, Loletta Lee, Lau Ching-wan
Genre Comedy

A bunch of Hong Kong residents go on a bus tour to Thailand and get mixed up with counterfeiters who’re chasing an underage hooker (Gloria Yip) who stole their bogus loot. Waise Lee is the tour guide, a loopy priest who’s preoccupied with changing money. Sean Lau does a Travis Bickle impression as a jaded taxi driver who’s sweet on teacher Rachel Lee. Cynthia Khan is a kick-butt meter maid, and Fennie Yuen is a money grubbing beautician. Dayo Wong is a wacky ex-triad.

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