Your Company

Mael Lambong

Malaysia · 2012
1h 30m
Director Ahmad Idham
Starring Zizan Razak, Juliana Evans, Taiyuddin Bakar, Shenthy Feliziana
Genre Action, Comedy, Adventure

Mael Lambung (Zizan Razak) is a well-known car transporter in Kuala Lumpur. His life takes a chaotic turn when he meets Maria (Juliana Evans), who asks for his help in eluding the villains who are after her. Their run to save themselves takes Mael and Maria to Terengganu, which also happens to be Mael's hometown. It is then revealed that Mael is a drifter. Back in his estranged neighbourhood, Mael reunites with Rozie (Shenthy Feliziana), his former love who is now engaged to Tiger (Taiyudin Bakar). Conflict arises when Tiger grows uneasy with Mael's return due to his jealousy of Mael's and Rozie previous relationship. Mael's troubles escalates when the villains who are after Maria because of a microchip that contains sensitive information about a bid for a government's project finally catches up to them in Terengganu...

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