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Digimon Tamers: Runaway Locomon(デジモンテイマーズ 暴走デジモン特急)

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Japan · 2002
Rated PG · 30m
Director Tetsuharu Nakamura
Starring Touko Aoyama, Yoko Asada, Susumu Chiba, Yuka Imai
Genre Animation

Six months after the D-Reaper was destroyed, the Tamers are planning to throw Rika a surprise party, but Rika finds out. Suddenly a train-Digimon named Locomon begins to race around the tracks, causing havoc. The Tamers respond to this, as Takato digivolves Guilmon into Growlmon to stop the train Digimon but fails as Takato, Rika and Renamon get on it in an attempt to slow it down. The others, excluding Suzie, use a freight train to catch up with Locomon

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