Your Company


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Canada (Quebec) · 2013
1h 43m
Director Michel Poulette
Starring Roseanne Supernault, Ipeelie Ootoova, Eric Schweig, Graham Greene
Genre Adventure, Drama

Maïna is the daughter of the Innu leader Mishtenapuu, who attends a bloody confrontation between his clan and the clan of "Men of the Land of Ice." Following this confrontation, Maïna chooses a mission that will change her life. To fulfill the promise that she has made to her friend Matsii on her deathbed, she embarked on the trail of their enemies to deliver Nipki, a 11 year old boy that the Inuit have captured. But she was also taken as prisoner by Natak, the leader of the Inuit group, and forcibly taken to the Land of Ice.

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