At the Crossroads Nondon Bagchi Life and Living
India · 2013
1h 10m
Director Sarmistha Maiti, Rajdeep Paul
Starring Nondon Bagchi, Anjan Dutt, Amyt Dutta, Lew Hilt
Genre Documentary
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A biographical documentary on eminent Indian rock and jazz musician and percussionist Nondon Bagchi and a generation of 60's musicians playing English rock music in India. The glorious journey was brought to a halt by the untimely passing away of key band members and left the remaining stranded at the crossroads grappling for survival and recognition in the face of state indifference and lack of support. Undaunted by personal and professional setbacks Nondon continues to rock his brand of 60's rock with cover band Hip Pocket and as a member of the internationally acclaimed Carlton Kitto Jazz Ensemble. The film is a homage to the maverick musician on the occasion of his 60th birthday, June 21 which is now celebrated as World Music Day.
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