One Woman Man
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India · 2019
Director Sudeep Mondal
Starring Samiksha Gaur, Sudeep Sarangi, Chakshu Tiwari
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At night Deepak narrates his problem to Dr. Khanna. He had committed to his 1st wife Priya, he is a one woman man and all the nights of his life belong to her. After miscarriage Priya became sick and a nurse, Madhu came to look after her. After Priya's death Deepak married Madhu. Now at night whenever Deepak tries to come close to Madhu, he feels Priya is around. After flashback with sunrise Deepak becomes normal. But the question remains does the amount and density of love continues to be the same, once a person is out of sight? And night will again come with it's nightmare after the day. (One Woman Man is inspired by Rabindranath Tagore's story 'Nisithe')
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