Your Company

Rewriting the Script: A Love Letter to our Families

Canada · 2001
Director Leela Acharya, Amina Ally, Farzana Doctor, Anjula Gogia, Zeenat Janmohamed, Nasreen Khan, Deena Ladd, Anuja Mendiratta, Arif Noorani
Genre Documentary

Rewriting the Script features frank discussions with parents, siblings and extended family members of South Asian gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered people. Poignant testimonies are shared not only about the coming out experience but how these families transformed themselves to include their queer children, changing the larger South Asian community in the process. The documentary speaks not only to experiences of South Asians (which includes people originating from the Indian subcontinent), but to other diasporic communities as well.

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