A Trip to Teulada(Un Viaggio a Teulada)
France, Hungary, Italy · 0
1h 25m
Director Nicola Contini
Starring Giusi Merli, Peppino Mazzotta, Caterina Murino
Genre Animation, Drama
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In a middle-class apartment of Cagliari, Assunta, aged 86, wakes up after a stroke and is overwhelmed with visions. All the people she knew in her childhood in Teulada, South Sardinia, are suddenly looming out from the past. Through them, she lives again the drama of the NATO's military basis that settled down there in the 50's and devastated the life of these quiet farmers, leading them to exile and misery. Those visitors from the past urge the old maid to accomplish her destiny: going back to her childhood village. Along with her caregiver Antonella, she is taking her "viaggio a Teulada" toward this lost world and her childhood love.
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