Your Company

Where It Begins(影子灰烬)

· 2019

Director Zhao Fei
Starring Zhang Yichi, Ding Yujia, Zhou Yiran, Sun Yihan
Genre Crime

The 90s, a small town high school somewhere in China. An athletics competition and a lost Walkman set in motion a chain of events that will mark the lives of a group of friends, rivals and enemies forever. Shy, wealthy Qian, extrovert Cheng, troubled Su, academically gifted Wang, charismatic athlete Teng Xiao and student president Yang are all linked in a web of friendships and hatreds, secrets, violent conflicts and passionate attachments. None emerges unscarred, and some of the wounds run deep. Years later, a series of encounters draw them back together, but the shadow of the past hangs heavy. Can they redeem themselves – and exorcise the ghosts of their youth – or is tragedy inevitable?

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