Människors möte
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Sweden · 1967
Director Gösta Werner
Starring Myrtel Ekman, Göran Svalberg
Genre Drama
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A flute playing. A couple enters a floor with large round spots of light, similar to the large round skylights available at Filmhuset in Stockholm, Sweden. She has a short golden dress. He has a long black cape. Both are wearing masks. More instruments make up the music and now a blazing flame dances instead and we see the woman's face, in extreme close-up. The man caressing her gently. A match burns and fades out. More close-ups of the young woman. Two matches meet and flares up. Later we see the man and the woman again, it is outdoors, the city's water. They look tired and bored, as if the low born during the dance now have relentlessly extinguished. Premiered as a short prelude to Ingmar Bergman's "Persona".
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