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Tale of a Boy: Noble Heart(少年美談 清き心)

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Japan · 1925
Director Tomu Uchida
Starring Takehiko Kojima, Kunie Hiromitsu, Michitarō Mizushima, Masamitsu Igayama
Genre Family, Drama

This is another Tomu Uchida film (fragmentary?) from 1925 called "Shonen Bidan Kiyoki Kokoro" which means it is a moral fable which translates as something like 'A shining example of a boy's good morals'. This film was included in the DVD release of 'Tasogare sakaba' and is one of the many 'kyouiku eiga' films that were made in the 20s . Uchida's first couple of projects were of this kind. The film is a weird mix of current and historical, with a time slip insert to an older historical period and scene. It's about discovering money that somebody has dropped and is a curious experience to watch.

We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.

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