Your Company

Penguin Fufu(ペンギン夫婦の作りかた)

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Japan · 2012
1h 30m
Director Katsutoshi Hirabayashi
Starring Eiko Koike, Kingone Wang, Motoki Fukami
Genre Drama

When Ayumi Mastuda (Eiko Koike) worked as a freelance writer she met Chinese cameraman Gyoukou (Kingone Wang), who worked at the same publishing company in Tokyo. They married 5 years ago. After his employer's went bankrupt, Gyoukou and Ayumi Matsuda moved to Ishigaki Island. Gyoukou also decided to apply for naturalization as a Japanese citizen. In order to prove they are real married couple they have an interview at a local Bureau of Judicial Affiars branch. As the interview goes along, they find it more difficult than expected ...

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