Your Company

The Scandalous Affairs of Mr. Kettle and Mrs. Moon(Скандальное происшествие в Брикмилле)

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Soviet Union · 1981
2h 6m
Director Yuriy Solomin
Starring Yuriy Solomin, Emmanuil Vitorgan, Aleksandra Yakovleva-Aasmyae, Nelli Kornienko
Genre Drama

The life of Mr. Kettle, an executive of a single bank in a small provincial English town Brickmill, is strictly organized: 7 a.m. stand up, then breakfast, at 9 a.m. work, at 13 p.m. diner, then work, at 18 p.m.- the end of a workday, then club, home, sleep. But one dull English morning almost having reached his work, he stops near a shop window, trading toys. How is Mrs. Twigg, Kettle's housekeeper amazed when she sees seem at home with bags and hears him saying that he is not intended to go to work any longer. This is the day when Mr. Kettle suddenly meets his love, and after a series of funny and tragic situations both choose a new life free and joyful.

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