Your Company

The Secret of the Mine(A bánya titka)

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Hungary · 1918
1h 40m
Director Ödön Uher ifj.
Starring Melitta Mea, Kató Dömötör, Emil Fenyö, László Bakó
Genre Drama

Eva (Melitta Mea), the orphaned heiress of a noble family, has been raised in a convent while the mines which constitute her family's fortune have been administered by Rudolf (Kató Dömötör), her tutor. As soon as Eva attains legal age and is prepared to claim her title to the mines, Rudolf tries to provoke the miners into a rebellion by sabotaging their work conditions and making it seem that this is Eva's fault. Meanwhile, Eva has met the leader of the miners: Jora (Emil Fenyö), a mysterious man who seems to possess psychic abilities. Get this, now: Jora claims to have spent his entire life in the mines, where he was (he says) raised by a witch.

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