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A Brother’s Love(La femme de mon frère)

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Canada (Quebec) · 2019
1h 57m
Director Monia Chokri
Starring Anne-Élisabeth Bossé, Patrick Hivon, Evelyne Brochu, Sasson Gabai
Genre Comedy, Drama

Sophia, a brilliant doctoral student, has always maintained a symbiotic relationship with her brother Karim. But when Karim falls for her gynecologist, Sophia struggles to navigate their new dynamic and must discover who she is outside their relationship.

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What are critics saying?


The Hollywood Reporter by Boyd van Hoeij

Though the story is about a woman looking for new bearings in her life, basically against her wishes, the overall tone is never outright depressing. The family meals verge on the burlesque, while other moments are more charmingly melancholy. This is due to not only the beautifully modulated performances, with Bosse, Hivon and Brochu all perfectly cast in their roles, but also to some nifty technical details.


The Playlist by Caroline Tsai

Full of astutely droll observations, Chokri’s script lends relatable credence to the film’s sharp situational comedy.


Variety by Jessica Kiang

Beneath the film’s soapier turns, and despite its more strident moments, there is a small dose of bittersweet wisdom here about the dangers inherent in entrusting one person — whomever it might be — with sole custody of your self-worth.


Screen Daily by Lisa Nesselson

How much a viewer will enjoy the convincingly cringe-making portrait on display here will depend on whether one feels empathy for Sophia’s inability-come-reluctance to access the ramp to adulthood or would prefer to reach into the screen and shake her.

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