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Li Bai: Hellfire(李白之天火燎原)

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China · 2019
1h 36m
Director Li Boxun
Starring Ziwen Zhang, Ma Muxuan, Steve Yoo, Li Dongguo
Genre Action, Mystery, Fantasy

In his youth, Li Bai witnessed the tragic Battle of Broken Leaf City, embarked on the path of seeking fair power with the teachings of an old master who saved the world and his teacher Pei Yi. Entering Chang'an for the first time, with no ambitions and pity, Li Bai, who was recommended by Anxi Dufu to enter the government with poetry and literary talent, turned out to be a night marcher to fight against evildoers. Unexpectedly, the conspiracy of blood and rain is waiting in the dark, and the mystery in the alchemy is so heavy. Can the sleeping Chang'an be saved from danger? Can Li Bai grow up to be a real hero in the fight against the bandits?

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