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Aatakkuntu Lekkakkilla(ಆಟಕ್ಕುಂಟು ಲೆಕ್ಕಕ್ಕಿಲ್ಲ)

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India · 2019
2h 4m
Director Ram J Chandra
Starring Mayuri Kyatari, Sanchari Vijay, Duniya Rashmi, Achyuth Kumar
Genre Drama, Horror

This is a story of two couples, one of which is the newly-married Purushotham (Sanchari Vijay) and Meghana (Mayuri), both of whom are orphans, who lead a happy life, until a certain tragedy strikes and Purushotham's behaviour changes drastically. The other is also newly-wed couple, Sangeetha and Shyam, who happen to be in a haunted house and are then troubled by supernatural elements. As it turns out, Purushotham suffers from a paranoid schizophrenia and suspects that his wife has an extra-marital affair with the spirit of her former boyfriend, which, in turn, leaves their family in tatters.

We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.

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