by Brian Tallerico
Justin G. Dyck’s very smart movie lures viewers in with its clever concept and instantly strong characters only to present them with the kind of nightmare fuel that would impress Clive Barker.
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Canada · 2020
1h 36m
Director Justin G. Dyck
Starring Sheila McCarthy, Julian Richings, Konstantina Mantelos, Josh Cruddas
Genre Horror
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After losing his only grandson in a car accident, grief-stricken Henry, a doctor, kidnaps his pregnant patient with the intentions of performing a “reverse Exorcism," putting Jackson inside her unborn child. But it doesn’t take long to figure out Jackson isn’t the only ghost Henry and his wife invited into their home. by Brian Tallerico
Justin G. Dyck’s very smart movie lures viewers in with its clever concept and instantly strong characters only to present them with the kind of nightmare fuel that would impress Clive Barker.
The Film Stage by Jared Mobarak
The ability to toe the line between those results isn’t something that should be undersold. Neither should the casting of McCarthy and Richings with their keen awareness to maintain earnestness despite the narrative’s tonal cartwheels that surround them.
The Guardian by Leslie Felperin
Altogether, it’s a richer devil’s brew than you would expect, crisply edited and moodily shot – even if the last act doesn’t quite hit the spot.
As far as horror goes, Anything For Jackson turns up the tension as well as the best of them.
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