Ranma ½: The Movie 3 — The Super Non-Discriminatory Showdown: Team Ranma vs. the Legendary Phoenix(らんま1/2 超無差別決戦! 乱馬チームVS伝説の鳳凰)
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Japan · 1994
Director Junji Nishimura
Starring Kappei Yamaguchi, Megumi Hayashibara, Noriko Hidaka, Koichi Yamadera
Genre Animation, Comedy
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In Team Ranma v.s. The Legendary Phoenix, poetry sprouting high school swordsman Tatewaki 'Blue Thunder' Kuno comes into possession of the egg of the legendary phoenix, said to grant its owner incredible powers. A reluctant shop keeper sells the egg to Kuno but in exchange, Kuno must just follow one rule: "never, never, in any circumstance, put the darn thing on your head." It's bad enough that boy-type Ranma accidentally puts the egg on Kuno's head, but worse is, it has imprinted in it's mind that Ranma is it's mortal enemy. Worse than that, when the phoenix begins to grow, it attacks innocent people and then the whole town! Can Team Ranma (Ranma, Akane, Shampoo, Ukyo, and Ryoga) stop the gigantic phoenix before it wreaks havoc in town?
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