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Italy, United States · 1986
Rated PG-13 · 1h 22m
Director John Carl Buechler
Starring Noah Hathaway, Jenny Beck, Phil Fondacaro, Michael Moriarty
Genre Fantasy, Horror

When the Potter's move into a new apartment, everything seems wonderful, until Wendy Potter is attacked by a troll. Having assumed Wendy's appearance, the troll lives as Wendy, creating chaos in the Potter's world. After learning of the troll's presence, the apartment building tenants must work to stop him, before it's too late.

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TV Guide Magazine by

The special effects, supervised by director John Buechler, who was the effects man on GHOULIES, are pretty poor, essentially slimy rubber creatures with a limited amount of movement and the seams from their molds clearly visible.


The New York Times by Janet Maslin

Troll has a knowing tone that's more smart-alecky than clever. And it hovers uncomfortably between comedy and horror, without ever landing decisively in either camp. The film is as funny as it gets in a sequence that has Sonny Bono pretending to be a great ladies' man.

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