Fly with the Gold(黄金を抱いて翔べ)
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Japan · 2012
2h 9m
Director Kazuyuki Izutsu
Starring Satoshi Tsumabuki, Max Changmin, Tadanobu Asano, Kenta Kiritani
Genre Crime, Thriller
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Kota (Satoshi Tsumabuki) hears about an impending 1.5 billion yen gold bar heist from his friend Kitagawa (Tadanobu Asano), a former college classmate, and decides to take part. The gold bar sits in the basement of the HQ of Sumita Bank. Helping Kota and Kitagawa are bank security employee Noda (Kenta Kiritani), a North Korean spy pretending to be a college student (Shim Chang-Min), Kitagawa's younger brother Haruki (Junpei Mizobata) and a former elevator engineer (Toshiyuki Nishida). These 6 men are about to carry the boldest of schemes to bypass the bank's high-tech defense system.
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