Three from the Gasoline Station(Die Drei von der Tankstelle)
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West Germany · 1955
1h 33m
Starring Adrian Hoven, Walter Müller, Walter Giller, Germaine Damar
Genre Comedy, Romance
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Robert, Peter and Fritz are the best of friends ... and hopelessly broke. But they don't let that stop them and in short order, they end up renting a deserted gas station. With just a little bit of wit and some elan, they'll bring the old girl back to life and all will look rosy ... until all three of them fall in love with the same dame: Gabi, the daughter of the director of a large gasoline firm. Thanks to her, their eternal friendship is really going to be put to the test.
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- ✭ ✭ ✭
- East Germany, West Germany • 1967
- Director Werner Jacobs
- Cast Jörg Resler, Karin Heidemann, Gerald Schraml, Paul Dahlke, Ralf Wolter, Fritz Tillmann
- Genre Comedy
- Available on No streaming locations found.