Your Company

Song of the Sea(Havets sang)

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Denmark · 1993
Director Jannik Hastrup
Starring Teresa Cecilie, Kasper Hektor, Tommy Kenter, Søs Egelind
Genre Animation

Silke just loves water. She loves to bathe and to swim like a fish. As a matter of fact, she only feels fit and well when she is in the water. This is because she has an eczema which makes her skin itch. Her father and mother are worried about her and take her to the doctor. But strange things happen, and a dolphin, a dog and an old, long ago deceased pirate-grandfather emerges in the story. This is because Silk is not like other children - especially not when she hears the song from the sea.

We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.

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