Your Company

3 Wishes 3 Loves(3 Doa 3 Cinta)

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Indonesia · 2008
1h 50m
Director Nurman Hakim
Starring Dian Sastrowardoyo, Nicholas Saputra, Yoga Pratama, Brohisman
Genre Drama

Living in a pesantren (Islamic boarding school) in central Java, inseparable friends Huda (Nicholas Saputra), Syahid (Yoga Bagus Satatagama) and Rian (Yoga Pratama) are receiving mixed messages from instructors. Moderate headmaster Kyai Wahib (Brohisman) believes Jews and Christians should not be viewed as enemies, while Ustadz (Doubleh Zulkanean) stops just short of actively recruiting soldiers for the holy war.

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