Your Company

Mad Dog(พันธุ์หมาบ้า)

Thailand · 1990
1h 48m
Director Saharat Wilainet
Starring Pongpat Wachirabunjong, Amphol Lampoon, Phisit Onkerd, Sommat Wichitphan
Genre Drama

Chuanchua (Ampol) goes to visit his friend at the city near the sea to find the inspiration for hsi new novel. He goes to visit his friend, Otto (Pongpat) who opens a souvenir shop there. Otto opens this shop because he wants to start a new begining and a place to hang out with friends. He addicts to liquor and weed. These characters are based on true story about a friendship of teenage friends who do everything with their impulse that can change their lives forever.

We hate to say it, but we can't find anywhere to view this film.

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