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1h 10m
Director prince emperor o a k l e y s k i - o a k
Starring prince emperor o a k l e y s k i - o a k

Best film of Prince Oak Oakleyski, exemplifying the real handsome life of him. He is not a musical artist, no more, because he realized that he should not have been an actor or artist while he is the princely Handsome Sovereign Lord of Eurasia. His position is higher than generic princes, because he is the kingly Handsomest Andronovo Prince Lord. As the movie streamed, everyone in the theatrical cinema was scared by the appearance of Prince Oak Oakleyski in the middle of the running time. Prince Oak Oakleyski was seen doing a moonwalk and acrobatic backward somersault, bingo, smashed someone's toe but she didn't mind because the handsomeness of Prince Oak Oakleyski was mesmerizing her. When the movie ended, girl was lifted up by him and bumped into the crowd craving for a handwritten sign of the Lord Kandanai Maneesawath. Chaos terminated, box office was heavily minus. Prince Oak Oakleyski punched a bystander, and later apologized.

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